Oracle Quarterly Awards – Q3
Last week saw the Oracle quarterly review taking place at our head office in Knaresborough. As well as the chance to look back over the past 3 months and evaluate the company performance, it also gave us the opportunity to congratulate our employees for the hard work they’ve been doing. Each quarter we hold our staff awards, voted for by fellow staff members and a chance to recognise those going above and beyond in each department.
Our internal staff awards are a great chance to not only reward those who have excelled in their fields during the last quarter, but they also are a fantastic opportunity to see just how many of their fellow staff members are doing such a great job also. The sheer number of nominations for so many members of each team show that rather than singular employees overwhelmingly receiving the majority of the votes, each department continues to thrive with so many strong candidates for each award.
It also shows the healthy competition between Team Oracle, with strong support going to those victorious this quarter by each member of the team and fully supported by their peers. Not only this, but those who have joined the company within the last quarter receiving just as many nominations and awards as those who are long term employees. This is a credit to each and every member of Team Oracle and shows the healthy staff culture that we thrive upon as a business.
Part of A Record Breaking Year
This past year has been a record-breaking year at Oracle Finance, with more cars funded than ever before. We are excited to be moving onwards towards in to 2023 as we look to continue our ambitious growth incentive.
Find out more about 2022 at Oracle Finance in our 2022 Review.